Seeking Perfection with Plastic Surgery
4 min readJul 9, 2021
Breast Implants and Breats Augmentation

Finally, after working really hard and saving for almost 3 years I had enough money to book my breast augmentation. My friend had recently had her breast augmentation with Douglas McGeorge and her breasts looked amazing. He charged a little more than Transform but after meeting him I knew I wanted him to perform my breast augmentation. My consultation was at a Bupa hospital almost 2 hours away and I was travel sick all the way there. When I arrived I think I must have looked unwell as the receptionist seemed concerned. I told her I simply had travel sickness and sat down to wait to see Douglas. As soon as I started to speak with him I knew I wanted him to perform my breast augmentation. He spent a long time discussing how I wanted my breasts to look following breast augmentation. I had decided I wanted them to look as natural as possible but still wanted to go up at least 2 cup sizes. He recommended low profile 280cc silicone-filled, breast implants and assured me they would create a very natural breast shape and should take me up approximately 2 cup sizes. He told me he used Allergan, breast implants although back then they were known as McGhan Ltd. He reassured me that they were one of the most reputable manufacturers of breast implants in the world. After going through the risks and complications I paid my deposit and booked my breast augmentation for the next available date, 17 days later. I left feeling really happy and excited.

Those 17 days seemed to drag on forever and when it was finally the night before my breast augmentation I was so excited I only slept for about 5 hours. On the day of my surgery, I had to leave my house at 6.30 am to make sure I arrived at the hospital in time. When I walked into the hospital reception I was shaking with excitement. After being taken to my private room I waited for Douglas to come and see me. I wasn’t anxious, just excited and when he came in to speak with me he said I needed to try to calm down a little before having a general anesthetic. 30 minutes later I was wheeled into the theatre, the anesthetist was lovely and talked to me as she administered the general anesthetic. The next thing I remember is waking up in my room. My chest felt like there was an elephant sitting on it. Douglas came to check on me a few hours later and said the surgery had gone really well and he was sure I would be really pleased with the results. He also told me I made everyone laugh when I first woke up in the recovery area as I shouted out, “IS IT DONE, HAVE I GOT BREASTS?” and as soon as the nurse said “yes” I closed my eyes again and went straight back to sleep. I have no recollection of this but it still makes me smile to this day!

During the night I needed a wee and managed to get a quick glance at my breasts in the mirror. They were bandaged but I could still tell they were a lot bigger. The next morning I stupidly ate a bowl of prunes as I had read that after surgery many people suffer from constipation. I was vomiting prunes, all the way back home! The next few days were hard, I felt very sore and was worried about moving around in case I did something to my breasts or made the scars open up. Slowly over the next 10 days, I felt better, and by the time I went for my follow-up consultation, I was moving around without any pain.

When Douglas carefully removed the bandages as I stood in front of a mirror, I remember feeling a rush of sheer joy, like nothing I had ever experienced. I had breasts, well obviously they were fake, but no one else would know as they looked really natural. I would never need to stuff my bra with cotton wool again. Even more important, I knew that my new breasts would help me to learn to love myself. That was the beginning of my quest for ‘perfection’. Feeling lost, plastic surgery gave me direction, something to work towards, and achieving the perfect body became my quest.



After having multiple breast augmentations, rhinoplasty procedures and liposculpture; I want to help anyone considering plastic surgery.